Forschungsinstitut für
Nachhaltigkeit | am GFZ

The call for sustainable and resilient policies in the COVID-19 crisis: How can they be interpreted and implemented?

PolicyadvicefordealingwiththeCoronaCrisishasbeenfocusingontwomajorconcepts: resilienceandsustainability.Thepaperexplorestherelationshipbetweenthetwoterms,illustratesthe various concepts that are associated with each term, and suggests an integrative approach that is basedontheidealofmaintainingcriticalservicesforreachinghumanelivingconditionsforpresent and future generations based on fair distribution rules and inclusive governanceprocesses.




Renn, O. (2020). The call for sustainable and resilient policies in the COVID-19 crisis: How can they be interpreted and implemented? In M. H. Henriques (Ed.), Prime Archives in Sustainability (pp. 1-10). Hyderabad, India: Vide Leaf.

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