Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

EU 1.5° Lifestyles Policy und Multistakeholder Workshop

Start time:
1.5 Lifestyles

The aim of this co-creative event is to present and discuss current research findings on the promotion of sustainable lifestyles in line with the 1.5° target of the Paris Climate Agreement and to work on developing practical strategies. This event is part of the EU project 1.5° Lifestyles and offers a platform to discuss solutions for the societal transformation towards ecological and social sustainability together with political decision-makers, stakeholders and committed individuals.

Against the backdrop of current political developments - including recent elections in Germany, Europe and worldwide - and the growing backlash against climate and sustainability governance, an urgent question arises: How can sustainability crises be overcome in these challenging times? How can the future well-being of our society be secured? How can the synergies between policy areas be utilised instead of being played off against each other?

During the event, we will address these questions and develop options for action together. The focus will be on two interactive workshops that will deepen the central findings of the project and expand them through the collective expertise and creativity of the participants. While the morning workshop will focus on political decision-makers and their agency, the second workshop in the afternoon will focus on the inclusion of the broad stakeholder landscape in the context of the transformation to sustainable lifestyles.

29 January 2025, 8.30-17h

Policy workshop: 8:30-13:00

Multi-stakeholder workshop: 13:00-17:00

Location: Representation of the European Commission in Germany, Unter den Linden 78, 10117 Berlin

Organiser: RIFS - Project EU 1.5° Lifestyles (Doris Fuchs, Lea Becker, Halliki Kreinin)



Lea Melissa Becker

Lea Melissa Becker

Research Associate
lea [dot] becker [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
Halliki Kreinin

Dr. Halliki Kreinin

Senior Research Associate
halliki [dot] kreinin [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
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