Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Governance of Societies

It is no secret that the world is urbanizing very fast. If UN estimates turn out to be true, by midcentury 2.5 billion people will have joined the approximately 3.9 billion living in cities today, an urban population increase of over 60 %! It is one of the biggest questions of our time, how the 6.4 billion who will live in cities by 2050 will be fed, housed and provided with basic services in a sustainable way. What kind of infrastructure and governance models will be the most healthy in the progressing urbanization of the planet? What is the best mix between decentralization and centralization of services, infrastructure and government structures?

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Werthmann, C., Renn, O., Makarieva, A., Gorshkov, V., Wilderer, P. A., Risse, V., Böker, C., & Haas, B. (2016). Governance of Societies. In P. A. Wilderer, & M. Grambow (Eds.), Global Stability through Decentralization? In Search for the Right Balance between Central and Decentral Solutions (pp. 75-115). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

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